Connemara – Original, Irish Peated Single Malt, 0,7l
Unter den irischen Whiskys is Connemara der einzige „Peated“ Single Malt Whisky. Seine komplexen Torfaromen und sein weicher, süßer Malzgeschmack machen ihn zu einem wirklich einzigartigen irischen Whisky.
Ein Aroma von süßer Gerste mit einem Hauch von torfigem Rauch.
Connemara – Original, Irish Peated Single Malt, 0,7l
Unique among Irish whiskeys, Connemara is the only Irish Peated Single Malt Whiskey widely available today. It possesses a distinct peaty flavour and aroma, instilling a delicate smokiness and smooth, sweet taste. Its complex peat flavours and smooth, sweet malt taste make it a truly unique Irish whiskey.
An aroma of sweet barley with wafts of peaty smoke, kippers and well baked apple crumble. Tastes of lightly honey sweet, subdued clean rather than sooty smoke with peaty vegetal notes, sweet barley water, light spice and vanilla oak.