Edward G. Robinson, der »Film Noir«-Antiheld, inspiriert diesen Rubbed Flake. Red Virginias unterschiedlicher Herkunft werden unter Hitze dunkel gepresst und bieten eine süßherbe Charakteristik. Mit etwas Perique, Brown Virginia und einer Spur Kentucky abgerundet, besticht der Edward G. durch feine Natursüße. Eine Mischung so markant, vielschichtig und facettenreich wie Robinsons Leben.
…Robinson played the notorious gangster and anti-hero in „film noir“ movies and was a fascinating figure in American cinema of the 1930s and 1940s. Gaining fame as the power-hungry slob and gangster, Edward G. Robinson led the life of a sensitive art enthusiast and avid pipe smoker. In its varieties and contrasts Edward G. Robinson’s life shows similarities to „Edward G…Ready Rubbed Flake“. Gaining a tartly sweet character, the dark and pressed Red Virginias of assorted provenances have been finished with a little Perique and Brown Virginia. A touch of Kentucky tobacco gives the blend that extra something. „Edward G…Ready Rubbed Flake“ captivates by its natural sweetness, which makes a mark on it without dominating. It is a blend just as distinctive, complex, interesting and multi-faceted as Edward G. Robinson’s life and work. …distinctive, sweet, fascinating
Nicotine: 4
Aromatisation: —
Flavor: natural
Chart: 1 (light) to 6 (strong)