Pfeifendepot & Friends

Mit einer täglichen Dosis Roth Händle ohne Filter konnten wir seinen angegriffenen Nikotinspiegel stabilisieren und er hat das Krankenhaus wohlbehalten überlebt.
When Ole had to go into hospital, he was unable to smoke his beloved pipe.
With a daily dose of Roth Händle without a filter, we were able to stabilize his nicotine levels and he survived the hospital safe and sound.

Elena tests a new cigar

2022 Worth Pipe Fair with the highly esteemed Tommi Teichmann

Elena and Sina enjoy a pipe

Falls into the category of those who have rendered outstanding services to pipe smoking!

Pipe inspection

Do not leave unattended for too long – vodka!

Mr. Kleanthes does not let us down even during Corona

Martin Kägi and Tommi Teichmann at Manfred and Angelika Hortig’s table
Worth, 2023

Pfeifendepot – Pipemaker Martin Kägi from Switzerland pays a visit

…there are still smoking bars in Hamburg.

Holmer Knudsen and guest

Iva Nova zu Besuch in Hamburg / Iva Nova pays a visit to Hamburg

The punk rock band Iva Nova from St. Petersbug performed in Hamburg in 2019.

…there’s breakfast for Anastasia and Natalia.

Whether it’s better to smoke a cigar afterwards…

…or rather smoke a pipe…

…will surely…

…at the next visit…

…finally clarified.
Besuch aus Bayern 2018 – Sehenswürdigkeiten in Hamburg
Der Besuch wird mir immer in Erinnerung bleiben, weil wir beide an diesem Tag für viel Furore in Hamburg gesorgt haben. Morgens Früh am Fischmarkt wurde schon mit den Marktweibern geschuhplattelt und am Nachmittag waren wir rechtzeitig zum Watschntanz auf St. Pauli eingetroffen.

Visit from Bavaria 2018 – Sights in Hamburg
I will always remember this visit because we both caused quite a stir in Hamburg that day. Early in the morning at the fish market we had a few „Schuhplattler“ with the market women and in the afternoon we arrived in St. Pauli in time for the „Watschntanz“.
Here is some explanation between the two dances for those who are not familiar…

Kleine Party 2019 / Little party 2019

Warm-up Party in den Anfangstagen / Warm-up party in the early days